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  • adolf

    who else is getting private messages from Cub ?

    Wow what a wack job
    Anybody else getting pm's of abuse from creepy. ?
    I wish i could paste it here however i can't work out how to do it yet on my phone
    I think it had something to do with a comment i made about it using the wrong echinacities account to fly at iwolf
    Anyway time to have some troll baiting fun
    9 years agoin Arts & Entertainment-All
    Answers(1) Comments(0)
  • mokrushin

    esl jobs? you should be getting replies. post your cv on this site. should be getting a job easily. look at other teaching sites. if you are a native english speaker and dont mind working in a smaller city, pm me as i have a friend looking for a teacher.

    non teaching jobs a different story. its difficult to get a response as the number of applicants are far higher for every job. you got skills in writing/jounalism, trade, other european languages, engineering, construction or finance you ll have a chance at getting a non teaching job if you keep plugging away. also look at the job boards i your own country and look up jobs in china

    9 years ago

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